Due to the Eaton Canyon fire, the Altadena Main Library will remain closed through Saturday, Feb. 8.
Our servers are currently offline (no power), and we are unable to create new library ecards or extend due dates at this time.
Our online catalog and digital reading sources (cloudLibrary and hoopla) are also not available.
The district will waive replacement fees for library materials/books in lost to the Eaton fire fire
Open 9am-8pm daily
Altadena Disaster Recovery Center 540 W. Woodbury Road, Altadena
UCLA Research Park West 10850 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles
Forms (to Opt-In or Opt-Out) for Debris Removal Now Available
LA County Public Works Fire Debris Hotline: 844-347-3332
EPA Hotline: 1-833-798-7372
Private Property Debris Removal Information Los Angeles County is dedicated to restoring our communities swiftly and safely after the recent wildfires. The debris removal process is divided into two main phases, each managed by different agencies. Residents have the option to participate in the government-run program or manage the cleanup independently by opting out.
- Property owners do NOT need to sign up for Phase 1 household hazardous debris removal. However, if your property has been damaged or destroyed, it must pass a Phase 1 household hazardous debris inspection and clearance by the EPA before being eligible for moving into Phase 2 removal of the remaining fire debris.
- For Phase 2, property owners need to decide whether to opt in for free cleanup by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or opt out and pay a specialized, approved contractor to remove the remaining fire debris, following all necessary requirements, rules and regulations.
- Property owners won’t be able to get a Phase 2 permit unless they have received Phase 1 clearance from the EPA.
Rebuilding Together: Navigating Recovery Resources & Debris Removal, includes Q&A Jan. 30, 6pm (meeting starts at 34:00)
LA Region Small Business Relief Fund/ LA Region Worker Relief Fund Applications will open February 2025
LA County, LA City, Southern California Grantmakers, and partners have launched an LA Region Small Business and Worker Relief Fund for small businesses, nonprofits, and workers impacted by the 2025 wind and wildfire disaster. The program will provide grants up to $25,000 for eligible small businesses and nonprofits and $2,000 for workers.
The programs are open for giving now. Applications will open February 2025. For details, and for more information about grants and other resources, visit http://bit.ly/DEOWildfireResponse.
General access
For general small business support, please contact our Office of Small Business (OSB) at 844-432-4900 or email osb@opportunity.lacounty.gov.
Please indicate “wildfire assistance” in email subject line for both OSB and AJCC services. Please indicate “wildfire assistance” in email subject line for both OSB and AJCC services.
Sign up for a weekly Los Angeles Area Small Business Response & Recovery Webinar (through March) at http://bit.ly/TFLAWebinar
Wildfire Insurance Questions?
Check out yesterday's webinar with California Department of Insurance on Facebook. You can also call 800-927-4357 with questions.
Be part of the Eaton Fire Keychain Project. Let’s create something from our collective loss. More details to come. https://keychainproject.org/
Wildfires Resource Hub LAST DAY Saturday, Feb. 1 • Sat 10am-5pm
Kaiser Building, 393 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena
Small Business Fire Recovery Event
Monday, Feb. 3 • 10am-2pm
First AME Church, 1700 N. Raymond Ave, Pasadena
Virtual Altadena Recovery Meeting
Monday, Feb. 3 • 4-5pm
Assistance for Altadena Businesses Affected by Wildfire - Resource Pickup
Tuesdays & Thursdays • 9am-3pm
Pasadena Federal Credit Union, 1285 Lake Ave., Pasadena
Altadena businesses can N95 masks, air purifiers, portable solar panel power stations, and more!
PACE Rebuilding Homes, Businesses, and Lives After CA Wildfires
Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 @9am
PACE is offering a 4-session webinar in partnership with Whitestone that provides a comprehensive guide to navigating rebuilding efforts with County and City agencies, including detailed rebuilding guides, executive orders, and essential resources. Sessions are 1-hour each at 9 am on February 6, 13, 20, and 27.
Altadena Reconnects Baby & Toddler Storytimes
Monday, Feb. 10 & Feb. 24 • 10:30-11:30am
Jefferson Branch Library, 1500 E. Villa Street, Pasadena
Join Altadena Library for baby & toddler storytime at the Jefferson Branch Library in Pasadena! Reconnect with our community as we share stories, books, songs, and rhymes that encourage literacy development and bonding.
A special thank you to Pasadena Public Library for sharing their space with us for these events!
Guidance for Parents & Caregivers After a Wildfire